Preparing for Future Implementation

"Just as every learner is variable so is every school or district" - CAST

UDL Implementation is sustained, systematic change that can take 5-7 years. This is why CAST emphasizes implementing small changes that lead to meaningful impact. And just as CAST rejects the myth of the average learner, so too does it reject the notion that there is an average school system. Consequently, UDL is leveraged to design relevant, context-specific changes that best meet the needs of the school system.  Wrapping up the second year of the literacy grant provided participants an opportunity to reflect back on implementation gains as well as look ahead to consider the needs of each county in order to truly customize an implementation plan that will sustain and scale UDL for years to come. 

Coaching Academy: Preparing for Future Implementation


screenshot of the implementation process used by leaders in the second year of the grant