Reviewing the SIC

“Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.” 

W. Edwards Demings 

The administrators and county coaches kicked off the 2023-2024 school year with a review of the UDL School Implementation Criteria (SIC). The UDL-SIC contains a set of criteria that reflects the principles of Universal Design for Learning across a school so that UDL implementation occurs beyond the classroom context and at the school level to drive school improvement. In addition, the SIC provides school teams with the structure to assess, plan, design, measure, monitor and demonstrate successful inclusive, equitable learning environments.

In essence, the SIC provides a roadmap for comprehensive UDL implementation to promote equity, inclusion, and expert learning. Just as the UDL guidelines serve as a framework for designing inclusive, accessible, and equitable learning spaces that promote expert learning for all students, the UDL SIC offers a set of criteria to design inclusive, accessible, and equitable systems at the school level. 

Implementation Academy: Continuous Improvement Cycles


Screenshot of the UDL guidelines and SIC logos side by side