Addressing Barriers to Implementation

How do we address barriers to implementation?

When it comes to UDL implementation, the SIC outlines four primary domains to focus on: school culture & environment, leadership & management, teaching & learning, and professional learning. Barriers can arise in any of these domains in the form of both adaptive change -- which are quick to identity and fix--and technical changes, or those changes that tap into peoples' values, roles, and beliefs about education. 

The Problem of Practice Protocol can serve as a useful tool for tackling these barriers to UDL implementation. Folks start by defining the problem and drafting a vision for what it would look like if that problem were fully resolved. From there, folks move to another group's probelm in a carousel-like fashion to identify barriers. From there, the next group brainstorms possible options using the UDL Guidelines. Moving from graphic organizer to graphic organizer helps people see the problem from a fresh perspective and invites others to offer possible solutions. 

Implementation Academy: Addressing Barriers to Implementation 
