Get Started

October 2021

The 2021-2022 school year started with a two-day kickoff event for all of the participants across the four counties: Butte, Plumas, Shasta, and Modoc. We were excited to welcome teachers, site administrators, literacy coaches, and county representatives to a in-depth introduction to the core foundational principles of Universal Design for Learning. 

Digital Learning Series (DLS): Beyond the Basics

Since the two-day kick off, participants have been using the Digital Learning Series to deepen their knowledge and dive into the UDL Guidelines. 

You can watch the pre-sessions with teachers, administrators, and coaches to listen to how this resource is used to guide the UDL learning journey. 

Resources: Teacher DLS Homebase

Resources: Teacher DLS Homebase

Digital Learning Series: Debriefs

As a way to process, integrate, and apply the content provided by the DLS, participants have been meeting synchronously in either a group dedicated to administrators and coaches or in a group for teachers. 

These debriefs are an opportunity for participants to consider the "what" of UDL. 

Interactive Workshops

In addition to the DLS debriefs, participants have gathered together monthly to participate in synchronous interactive workshops. These workshop series are designed to provide educators with practical tools they can use to apply their understanding of UDL. These series explore the "how" of UDL implementation.